About MSquared
I grew up in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, where my dad was involved with the management of a historic cowboy boot company. I was always fascinated by the possibilities of the cowboy boot as a piece of wearable, customizable art. I especially liked the way you could make a boot that was traditional on the bottom and colorful under your jeans-- business on the bottom, party on top.
Over the years I came up with the with the inlaid "M2" as a playful spin on a monogram of my initials. When I decide to start a business, it was a natural choice for my company name and logo. A little bit fun, a little bit nerdy.
The spur in my logo was inspired by the thematic connection to my trademark boots, and that dictionary definition that resonated as a nice metaphor to my work: "to incite to action or accelerated growth or development." I aspire to inspire students to reflect on their lives, to engage actively in intentional thinking and research about their post-secondary educations, and to grow confidently towards adulthood as they do. There is also an intentional visual resemblance to a gear wheel, suggesting collaborative work.
Of course, as a former resident of San Antonio, and a lifelong fan of the NBA Spurs basketball team, I get a kick out of that reference, too.
I'm grateful to the talented Jen Douglas of Hyland Designs for the logo concept and for bringing it together in an appealing visual way. My portraits were taken by Jeff at S72 Business Portraits.