If you know a senior applying to colleges this year, here is some advice on what follows all that energy leading up to the celebratory moment of submission!
This was a popular post on my instagram account last year. It's all still current, so I'm putting it back out for those it might help.
Written supplements to do before submitting, Self-Reported Academic Records, and management of portals after submitting are making the Common App experience increasingly less common from college to college, so plan ahead and keep those lists a manageable length, focused on a core of "targets" with a balance of "likelies" and thoughtfully chosen, reasonable "reaches."
#commonapp #collegeapplications #whyowhysrar #earlyaction #earlydecision #regulardecision #testoptional #spuron #admissionspeoplearehuman #takeadeepbreath #yougotthis #collegeadmissions #ethical #fithappens #msquaredcounseling #collegecounselor #zoomcounseling #collegeapplicationhelp #applytocollege #collegecounseling #evidencebased #reflection #experienced #authentic #studentcentered #bayarea #nationwide #international #capitaldistrict #collegeadmission #spuron